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Academic exchanges at Oxford University, UK (7)

author: Sui Yuhang Date: 2019-12-02 View:

“The Oxford University and Jilin University short term course program” lasted for a week from 9.Nov.2019 to 16.Nov.2019. During the program, we deeply experienced study life and daily life in Oxford University, we also visited Cambridge University and The British Museum in London.

During the program, we had a pleasant and harmonious exchange of ideals and culture with people from Oxford and Cambridge, we experienced teaching and academic method of traditional British University, we also appreciated many local culture scene. This experience not only expanded our knowledge, but also left a good memory in our mind.

In order to get familiar with British life as soon as possible, staffs of Oxford arranged for us a British traditional etiquette courses. In order to more deeply understand British ideology and culture, as well as the study life and daily life of Oxford students, they also arranged a students discussion panel. The exchanges with Oxford University students have made us realize that they are also under tremendous pressure in their coursework. Through relevant communication, Oxford students have very mature and open ideas about our problems.

Before we accept the course taught by the British professors, staffs of Oxford given us a detailed introduction of the form of courses. Oxford University still carries out its early academic system, which means that it retains the teaching tradition of the tutor system that was established from beginning. In courses, exchange to students is very important to British teachers, they often throw out many questions related to item to guide students to discover new problems. Moreover, under the views of British scholars, there is no perfect scholar, every scholar can not claim that his own theory is truth, the truth is gradually emerges in the process of continuous exploration, not inspiration.

In order to show us the UK in different directions, Oxford arranged tours to Oxford, Cambridge, and the British Museum in London. Let us have a deeper understanding of western culture and British culture, which is very rewarding for us.