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2024 Academic exchanges at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (4)

author: Shi Yuxin Date: 2024-07-28 View:

Attending the “Jilin Meets Rutgers” Selected Student Program in Philosophy was an immensely enriching experience. I felt truly privileged to be a part of this program, which exposed me to a diverse range of philosophical ideas and perspectives.

The summer school not only broadened my academic horizons but also deepened my understanding of various philosophical concepts, ranging from contemporary political philosophy to the philosophy of language, and from epistemology to ethics. The professors' insightful lectures and engaging discussions sparked my critical thinking and furthered my comprehension of philosophy. I particularly relished the session on the meaning of life led by Professor Karen Bennett, which inspired me to delve deeper into this topic in my presentation.

Preparing for my presentation on "Exploring the Philosophy of Life: Insights and Perspectives" was a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. I immersed myself in the thoughts of Susan Wolf and realized the significance of clear conceptual analysis in comprehending complex issues such as the meaning of life. I also drew inspiration from Chinese philosophy, especially the notion of life as a vivid whole presented in Confucianism. The concepts of perpetual growth and change, as well as the interconnection of being a good person, leading a good life, and having a good society, resonated deeply with me.

Through this process, I learned to view the world and observe life from a different perspective. I came to understand that while it might be challenging to establish specific moral standards due to the diverse possibilities of life, we can strive to explore life analytically while maintaining an open-minded attitude.

Overall, this summer school has been a transformative experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in it. It has not only enriched my knowledge but also shaped my thinking and approach to philosophical inquiry. I believe that the insights and perspectives I gained during this program will have a lasting impact on my academic and personal journey.